The Council of Private Investors in Benin (CIPB), faithful to its mission as a Think Tank, is creating the Digital Working Group (GTN).
With a wealth of experience in the creation, animation and presentation of pleas for the Working Groups:
- Taxation (since 2008);
- Commercial Justice (since 2010).
The CIPB continues to reflect and discuss issues relating to development of the digital economy and the integration of digitalization in our companies for greater efficiency.
The Digital Working Group initiated by the CIPB is aiming at being a laboratory of ideas.
The Digital Working Group addresses the different aspects of the transformation of Beninese society with the conviction that the Internet represents a opportunity for both citizens and economic players. That is why its mission is to:
- Find levers to help companies start or accelerate their digital transformation;
- Strengthen cooperation between the private sector, state agencies, administrations and startups to succeed in digital transformation for a resilient economy.
The work resulting from this working group will be presented in the form of advocacy
to improve the business climate.
The Digital Working Group will be led by Mr. Léopold ADJAKPA Abilé, CIPB Coordinator and TELECOMS Engineer.
We invite you to join the DIGITAL WORKING GROUP to meet the challenges and issues of digital in Benin.
- Under the sponsorship of Moov Africa Benin, the CIPB and the Ministry of Digital and Digitalization had organized the 1st edition of the digital seminar on Tuesday February 23, 2021 at Novotel.
The theme chosen for this first edition was:
BENIN DIGITAL PATHWAYS, formulation of a strategy for the emergence of an inclusive digital economy in Benin in the digital age.
This seminar was a success thanks to the support of Acument Network, Digital Pathways at Oxford and Africans School of Economics.
- CIPB/AFRIA collaboration:
The Council of Private Investors in Benin (CIPB) and the French-speaking Agency for Artificial Intelligence (AFRIA) had preceded the signing of a partnership agreement on Thursday April 21, 2022 in Cotonou. It was during a workshop-debate organized with the aim of informing the private sector on the issue of data security and the implications for companies.
- On Thursday March 30, 2023 at Nobila Air Port Hotel in Cotonou, the CIPB organized a breakfast-debate on the theme: